Hello, I am Efi.
I'm a Web Developer.
About Me
Hello! I’m Efi Methodiou! I’m in my last year of Computer Engineering school with a
specialization in Software Engineering. During my studies I worked on different subjects
such as: databases with SQL, OOP with Java, Interaction Design, Web Development, Android
Development and AI.
For almost two years, I have spent my spare time, focusing on working with UI Design and Web
development. I have also supplement my learning with online courses to further my skills.
The main focus of this project was a create a todo list that is different from the other
lists that we see online.
The lists are build that way so it will seem like they are on a carousel. Depending on which
is it the carousel is landing on that day and when it’s the weekend the carousel lands by
default on Monday.
The users can add a task, delete it, check it and also delete all of them. The tasks are
saved in a JSON file and the user can also see how many tasks are pending. When all the
tasks are checked then a message appears that congratulates the user for finishing each day.
The purpose of this website is for the users to have fun while practicing their memory,
speed and strategy. The user can enter the games by clicking on the 3D cubes.
This website contains three games:
- Memory Cards
- Ping Pong
- Tic Tac Toe
ASN's artwork exhibition
As an intern at Art and Science Node, one of my tasks was to create a website that
was part in an
exhibition for the Plant Biology Europe Congress
2021. The exhibition combined the worlds of art, science and innovation,
providing an international survey of artworks created by artists in collaboration with
scientists in the field of life sciences and biotechnology.
This website contains 15 different artworks, some of them are videos, photos or both and one
of them is an application that is using geometric forms and constantly draws a dynamic and
ever-changing graphic network that records the movement of people in the room.
The website also contains a 3D model that represent the root network of the Rhizosphere
Airbnb Clone
This is an Airbnb clone made with React.
The project is still under construction and it's state is changing daily.
The design of the project might be different from it’s current display.